24 March 2010


Hey again! Yes, updating means I have new video. Heheh =D

Here’s another new short made by the nostrils production. this time with the help of my friends, Izzul, Muiz and Ruhaezeat. fully edited by me. shot in about 3 hours and 3 days of editing. We filmed this in an afternoon. All i can say is, im not yet satisfied for what i’ve done now. The actors are good. Its just me, being a director is very much a challenge. Hopefully i can improve my short films at time. all that i ever need is full yet magnificient filming equipment, numbers of crew, numbers of talented actor(or actress, maybe) and a very huge support from you guys. Now here you go.

there will be bloopers soon. enjoy and thanks for watching. don't forget to rate atleast a star (as if you have a youtube account).

p/s: its not spooky enough. don't hesitate to watch. =D